Learn how to make your own dreamcatcher in this super fun 2hr workshop together with the Stretch family! We will enjoy brunch together potluck style so bring something to share and materials to exchange with others. Feathers, wool, old colourful clothes and beads are great examples of what you might want have on hand to craft your dreamcatcher.
Explore Yoga Nidra
Side effects may include: feeling completely relaxed // enhanced quality of sleep // and an overall feeling of lightness! But this isn’t magic, you first have to show up and do the work. Which consist of laying down and letting yourself be guided through deep meditation.
Documentary Screening BLUE GOLD: WORLD WATER WARS
Based on the book by Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke, BLUE GOLD sheds light on the world’s rapidly approaching water crisis and suggests that future wars will be fought over water – as this source of all life enters the global marketplace and political arena.
Movie screening will be followed by a discussion.
Date Night Yoga with Shannon Cluff and Daniel Henry
Join yoga teacher Shannon Cluff and her partner Daniel Henry for an evening of all levels couples slow vinyasa-flow yoga incorporating deep partner stretches, support poses, gentle massage and breathing exercises.
Documentary Screening “The Good Life, The Green Life”
March 10th, Stretch is hosting the screening of “The Good Life, The Green Life”, a documentary film about what it means to live a good, green life at the climate crossroads.
The last Family Yoga for March is at 10:30am this Sunday
Yoga is better when you do it together! Come along and enjoy a fun, engaging and healthy activity as a family. One hour of quality time and precious moments where children, parents and grandparents can connect through yoga games and partner poses.
Spring Cleaning is on at Stretch!
Join Stretch and Franceska Lavaggi for an afternoon of cleansing and declutering yoga and mindfulness.
Tight Club Athletics at Stretch!
Join Keighty Gallagher every Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday evenings at Stretch for some Tight Club Athletics! Tight Club is a lifestyle for individuals who value active bodies, creative minds, and balanced lives.
This is Your Brain on Mindfulness
Come explore the Science and Practice of Mindfulness in a 3hr workshop at Stretch. Mindfulness for Optimal Health and Well Being.
The Art of Active Networking Workshop
Brainfood Creative Programs present The Art of Active Networking hosted by Mark E. Sackett.