Mark your calendar for the weekend of June 20-21st for The Week to End Enbridge. Together we can support the fight against Enbridge and their pipeline while getting our stretch on.
Mastering our Conflict Blind Spots. A Workshop with Dr. Robert Hershorn
Within each phase of life, our experiences vary greatly, though what remains constant is change. This holds true at home and in the workplace. When we feel we’ve mastered one challenge successfully, another one often presents itself. Are all of our challenges simply a natural “part of life” or do they vary depending on how clear we are in a given moment?
Mindfulness at Play
Join us at Stretch with Joelle Lazare, registered clinical counsellor and yoga therapist, this coming Sunday, for a second workshop on mindfulness.
Mindfulness is a creative act through which we experience life as it is. Through mindfulness we can develop a more relaxed and flexible nervous system.
Mindfulness practice brings awareness to the witness which helps us to both acknowledge and de-identify with unhelpful thoughts, beliefs, and ways of being.
Exchange Student Opportunity Available
STRETCH is on the lookout for an awesome person who would like a pass to practice at Stretch in exchange for a weekly cleaning shift.
Yoga for Cyclists Workshop with Melanie Brittner
Whether you are a racer, endurance or commuter cyclist, we spend a lot of time hunched forward over our handlebars and powering the legs, which leads to tight legs and sore backs. Yoga asana is the perfect compliment to cycling; creating body awareness, suppleness in the tissues and flexibility so that the body is able to adapt to new training and recover more quickly. When things are tight we have a higher chance of injury, additionally, tight muscles limit circulation, which increases recovery time.
Fullness and Freedom: A Mindfulness Meditation course with Lisa Gibson
In a world where we face ever-increasing busyness, stress and demands on our time, mindfulness practices offer a way to cultivate our inner listening and unearth our core of stillness. Bit by bit, the act of simply sitting still begins to point us through the layers of our own conditioning to wake up more fully to every aspect of our lives and to the world around us.
May Motivational Madness
We’d all like to break a few bad habits and start new good ones. Carrots work for some, sticks work for others. We are all different but we all benefit from a regular yoga practice.
Fire in Vancouver’s Chinatown
Only a few doors down from us on Pender Street, fire is burning in the Daisy Garden. At noon I joined hundreds of onlookers and took this photo. I thought it was a hilarious testament to New Town’s baking that people were still lining up for treats as firemen broke down the doorway nextdoor.
Awaken Intimacy Workshop: reclaiming clarity, compassion and presence in relationship.
Relationships with our partners, family, co-workers and friends can be challenging territory, yet it can also be one of the most potent paths to greater freedom. Although Western culture rewards independence and domination, the wisdom traditions teach us that everything happens in relationship, including our most constricting patterns, deepest healing, profound bliss and greatest loss.
STRETCH @ BIL Conference 2015
I spent much of today with BIL, the excellent adventure following TED. Described as an un-conference, BIL 2015 is a grassroots speaker series. The schedule, set only days ago, for the main stage was an eclectic mix, the side-stages even more so. That list being on a whiteboard at the entrance where anyone can write their names certainly accounts for that. There was no shortage of amazing speakers on subjects ranging from autonomous sailboats, the Bulletproof Exec, yogic storytelling, crowdfunding with a Buddhist bent, and even cat photos! A show-of-hands early on Saturday morning indicated that there were quite a
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