I spent much of today with BIL, the excellent adventure following TED. Described as an un-conference, BIL 2015 is a grassroots speaker series. The schedule, set only days ago, for the main stage was an eclectic mix, the side-stages even more so. That list being on a whiteboard at the entrance where anyone can write their names certainly accounts for that. There was no shortage of amazing speakers on subjects ranging from autonomous sailboats, the Bulletproof Exec, yogic storytelling, crowdfunding with a Buddhist bent, and even cat photos! A show-of-hands early on Saturday morning indicated that there were quite a few attendees from outside of Vancouver, mostly from down the coast but a few from Toronto and New York.
STRETCH contributed some passes for the fund-raising auction and I had a delightful conversation with winner Justin Jacobs who made a generous donation to BIL. We’re looking forward to introducing you to Yoga-101 Justin, and to BIL 2016.